
Showing posts from 2018

November Writing Calendar is open now!

Sunday November 2018 Monday         Tuesday      Wednesday                       Thursday     Friday Saturday 1 What is one challenge that you have overcome? 2 My favorite restaurant to go to is… 3 FREE WRITE 4 FREE WRITE 5 If you could be any age, what age would you be? Why? 6 If I were not in school today, I would… 7 If you were on a deserted island, who would you want to be with you? 8 When I grow up, I would like to be famous for… 9 If you had a secret, who would you tell? 10 FREE WRITE 11 FREE WRITE 12 If you could be an animal for the day, which would you be? 13 What is your favorite game? Why is it your favorite? 14 Who is your favorite super hero? Why are they your favorite? 15 If you could be anyone else for a day, who would you be? 16 Why do you think teachers give t

Writing Prompts October Calendar

October Calendar for Writing Prompts 1. Choose 4 of these topics and write 4 posts in your personal blog in October. 2. Read at least one of your classmate's blog and leave a comment. Sunday Monday October 2018 Tuesday      Wednesday                     Thursday Friday Saturday 1 If I had a magic broomstick, I would… 2 Compare and contrast summer and fall. 3 If I were the teacher for a week, I would… 4 What is your favorite room/spot in your home? 5 My school is special because… 6 FREE WRITE 7 FREE WRITE 8 The best thing about fall is? 9 Is it important to have good hand writing? Why or why not? 10 My favorite sport is….It is the best sport because… 11 My favorite animal is… I like it because… 12 Would you rather be too hot or too cold? Explai

How to improve your memory

                  How to improve your memory 1. Read the  Article . 2. Write a comment by answering the questions: The researchers tested 4 methods of remembering things. What were these methods? Which method turned out to be the most effective? Which one was the least effective? What other memory techniques do you know? Which ones do you use?

3D printed clothes!

Downloadable, printable clothing may be coming to a closet near you. What started as designer Danit Peleg's fashion school project turned into a collection of 3D-printed designs that have the strength and flexibility for everyday wear. "Fashion is a very physical thing," she says. "I wonder what our world will look like when our clothes will be digital." 1. Watch the TED Talk by Danit Peleg on "Forget shopping. Soon you'll download your clothes". 2. Write a comment by answering the following questions: What were some of the challenges that Danit Peleg came across when trying to 3D print her own fashion? How do you feel about printing your own digital clothing at home versus venturing to the local mall to pick out your clothing? What are some pros and cons of each alternative? 3. Reply to at least one of your classmate's comment. You can comment on the comment :), pose a question, or give feedback. 


Second conditionals. Second Conditional Use:         The second conditional structure is used to talk about imaginary situations and the consequences.                  Example: If I had a car, I could visit my friend.                 (But the truth is, I do not have a car, and I cannot visit my friend).             The second conditional structure is also used to talk about imaginary abilities and the consequences.                   Example: If I could fly, I wouldn’t need a car.                 (But the truth is, I cannot fly, and so I need a car.) 1. Follow this link and do the online quiz on second conditionals. Re-take the quiz if you make any mistake until you get all the answers right. Read the explanation.  2. In the comments box, write your answers to the following questions: a. What would you do if you won a lottery? b.  If the whole world were listening, what would you say? c.  If you could be invisible for a day what would you do and why?

Car accident

How do you think this has happened? What do you think it will happen next? How would you feel if it was your car?

Invisible Girl - Describe a picture

Credit: Pascal Campion Is the girl really invisible? What is she doing? What might she be saying? Why is she alone? How long do you think she’ll stay there? Have you ever felt 'invisible'?  What suggestions would you give to someone who seems to be 'invisible'?


Thanksgiving is upon us! So, please watch this video on the origins of the Thanksgiving and write at least one comment answering these questions: 1. When was the first Thanksgiving celebrated? 2. Do you think this holiday is worth celebrating? 3. What dishes are prepared on this day? (Hint: watch the end of the video) 4. Write about things you are grateful for. Start the sentence as "I am thankful for..." For example, I am thankful for having my family.

About me

My neighborhood! Our street features amazing murals depicting the history of Canada!

About me


About me


About me




About me

I love learning. And I love inspiring others to never stop learning.  I am a highly passionate ESL professional holding PhD in Linguistics and MA in TESOL from a redbrick University of Leeds, UK with extensive experience in English language teaching, preparation for high stake exams, teacher training, curriculum, and materials design. At present, I am teaching ESL online through two organizations: Polycultural Immigrant and Community Services and TCET (Centre for Education and Training). I am also an online course developer for the Polycultural.  Over the years, I was also engaged in several British Council local and regional projects on English language teaching and learning reforms. My roles varied from materials writer, teacher trainer, project lead to project manager. The projects focused on improving the quality of teaching and learning ESL through reforming the pre-service and in-service teacher education programmes, incorporating  independent learning skills, intercultural com