
Showing posts from 2019

Happy Father's Day!


Writing Prompts May Calendar

Sunday Monday May 2019 Tuesday       Wednesday                      Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Create a new planet and describe it. 2 If you were stranded on an island and could only take three things, what would you take? 3 What would you do if you were the tallest person in the world? 4 FREE WRITE 5 FREE WRITE 6 If you could plan a field trip for your class, where would you go? 7 If you could do an Olympic event, which one would it be and why? 8 Why do you think zebras have stripes? 9 What is your favorite month? Why? 10 What would you do if your friend borrowed something and never returned it? 11 FREE WRITE 12 FREE WRITE 13 If there were no rules, what do you think would happen? 14 Should phon

April Writing Prompts Calendar

Sunday Monday April 2019 Tuesday      Wednesday     Thursday Friday Saturday 1 Is it fun to play pranks on people? Why or why not? 2 Invent a new subject for school. 3 If you could have a class pet, what would it be and why? 4 How would you describe your favorite game to a person who has never played it? 5 What is your favorite type of weather? Why? 6 FREE WRITE 7 FREE WRITE 8 Describe how to make your favorite meal. 9 What is the funniest thing that has ever happened to you? 10 Have you ever said or done something that you regret? Describe what happened. 11 What do you think is the perfect age to be? Why? 12 What do you want to do when you finish school? 13 FREE WRITE 14 FREE WRITE 1

March Writing Prompts

Sunday Monday March  Tuesday      Wednesday                    Thursday Friday Saturday 1 If I was in the circus I would be known for… 2 FREE WRITE 3 FREE WRITE 4 The best day of the week is…It is the best because… 5 If I could learn a new language I would want to learn… 6 What makes a good playground? 7 If a genie granted me three wishes, I would wish for… 8 Would you rather have three arms or three legs? Why? 9 FREE WRITE 10 FREE WRITE 11 If I was invisible, I would… 12 When do you feel most grateful? 13 Do you feel like your parents trust you? Why or why not? 14 Write about a time when you stood up for yourself or for someone else? 15 What would you want to find at the end of a rainbow? 16 FREE WRITE 17